Articles by Initial Letters
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Sági Mária: A táncház (first published in Valóság 1978/5). Sági Mária examines aesthetic questions posed by the (at the time) relatively new dance house movement. The long article (re-published in two parts in folkMAGazin 2022/6 and 2023/1) relied on studies made at the Sebő Club in 1976 where club participants filled out questionnaires on seven consecutive club evenings. The ‘Sebő Club’ was held at the Kassák Community Center in Budapest’s 14th district. The goal of the Sebő Club was to present ‘city folk music and Hungarian poetry set to folk music’ in a club atmosphere. Sági’s article discusses: Why did the youth (of the time) accept/adopt folk art? The various directions within the dance house movement. How can peasant traditions become part of everyday life for today’s [urban] youth? Could the youth develop a complete world view through folk art? Will folk art lose its content in the process and become something like popular hit entertainment? At the time, thousands of youth were seeking out folk art [in the Budapest dance houses] and trying to make it real. Sági Mária writes on trends and values in Hungarian theatre and culture, sociology, psychology, music psychology, aesthetics, personality, homeopathy and natural healing.