Articles by Initial Letters
A kis zöld könyvecske
Papp István Gázsa a hegedű idétlen tartásáról és a népzenére áttértek születésének 50. évfordulójáról
A Moldavian Soulseer – excerpts from the book on Jánó Ferenc Ilona, a Hungarian Csángó woman from Moldavia. From 1969 Kóka Rozália visited Ilona in the village of Lészped/Lespezi, Romania for 37 years documenting her visions. In Hungarian folk belief a soulseer is a person with supernatural powers, who can contact and bring news from the dead, and help with healing…". Ilona was nine when her mother died. She began having visions when she was 11. When she was 12 she saw Jesus. In a vision, Jesus gave her a bride’s ring that she would wear on the pointer finger of her right hand. She learns that if she doesn’t go to church to take communion, then her day seems as long as a year. When she goes to mass, her heart unites with Jesus and her day flys by like an hour, she feels secure and light. If she doesn’t go, she feels heavy and ill. Early on, she figured out that when she predicted bad things, people got angry with her. When her parents began to look for a husband for her, Ilona said death would be better than marriage and she tried to avoid ‘taking the hand’ of a young man. From the book by Kóka Rozália published 2006, L’Harmattan, Budapest.