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Negyed évszázados a Muharay Elemér Népművészeti Szövetség
Muharay Elemér Folk Arts Association celebrates 25 years with 3 events. A 3 day workshop was held April 24–26 in Rimóc, Varsány and Hollókő in Hungary’s Nógrád County. A festival for tradition preserving children’s groups was held in Bag, Hungary on May 9th. The Association’s 25th anniversary celebration was on May 16th in Százhalombatta, Hungary. The event included a conference discussing aspects and importance of preserving tradition and it’s meaning today; a celebrational mass, awards ceremonies and gala performances by member dance groups and Masters of Folk Arts. The Muharay Association is an umbrella organization for local tradition preserving groups. The association organizes regular festivals for these groups, meetings and professional consultation on methods and problems of perserving tradition. By Antal László.