Articles by Initial Letters
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„Elfelejtettük közölni a csángókkal a magyar nemzet megalakulását”
The Moldavian Csángós are a Hungarian ethnic group that live in villages around the city of Bákó/Bacău in eastern Romania. Their dance and music is wellknown in Budapest’s dance house movement. These Moldavian Csángó villages were literally closed to outsiders during the Ceauşescu regime. Though these people have been the subject of ongoing attempts to assimilate them into the Romanian culture, amazingly some of them still speak an archaic form of Hungarian and follow the Roman Catholic faith. For 10 years now there has been a concerted eff ort to teach Hungarian to children in these villages. Hegyeli Attila (who studied Hungarian and Ethnography at the University in Kolozsvár/Cluj-Napoca, Romania) is a person who has been instrumental in organizing this program and getting other teachers to go there to teach. By Halász Csilla. First published in Heti Válasz, Budapest, May 6, 2010.