Articles by Initial Letters
„A folklór a vallásom”
Beszélgetés Varga Jánossal
Conversation with Varga János “Bokszos”: “Folklore is my religion”. Varga János is a folk dance choreographer, dancer, dance ensemble leader (Sopron, Zalai Folk Dance Ensembles, etc), dance researcher, folk dance festival and event organizer, based in Southwestern Hungary. In March of 2018 he received the Martin György Award recognizing his work over the years. He comments here on the lack of quality folk dance choreography and the need for more training in choreography. He also comments on the power of folk dance in creating a community: “masses of people meet through folk dance…”. Though he supports folk dance theater choreographic endeavors, he prefers choreography that presents traditional folk dance. Interview by Kutszegi Csaba. published first on April 16, 2018 at