Articles by Initial Letters
A Felvidéktől a Balaton-felvidékig (I. rész)
Memoir: Mrs. Vágó József, Grozdits Olga (1932–2016) wrote down her own story of growing up in the village of Semse/Šemša near Kassa/Košice, today in eastern Slovakia, where her family worked for the local noble family and lived at the Semsey Estate. After primary school she went to a Hungarian Catholic school in the nearby city of Košice, later when the Hungarian school was closed, she attended Slovak Catholic school. This is a personal account of what it was like growing up in an ethnically mixed village and how the family lived through the years of WWII. After the war her family moved to Révfülöp on the northern shore of Hungary’s Lake Balaton and she continued her secondary schooling in Veszprém, then Szombathely in Hungary.