44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
Starting page: 3
Magyarlapád [Lopadea Nouă] – A Hungarian village of 1200 inhabitants in the Maros/Kis-Küküllő Rivers region of Transylvania. A dance and music camp has been held there each summer since 1997. This camp was first organized with the help of the Kallós Foundation, but is now organized and supported by the village itself. The village band is called the Piros Pántlikás Band (formed in 1985 by young people from the village that were studying in Kolozsvár [Cluj] at the time) and there also is a local ’tradition preserving’ dance group. Young dancers from Budapest have been active in supporting the revival and/or rejuviation/nurturing/reteaching of the Magyarlapád dance and music traditions, have formed friendships with people in the village and have done ethnographic study on the village. Reports by Lukasik Zsófia, Eplényi Anna, Bánffy Farkas