Articles by Initial Letters
UNESCO Egyezmény a Szellemi Kulturális Örökség Védelméről
- Issue: 2007/3
- Starting page: 29
- Author: Kovácsné Bíró Ágnes
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Report on the status of UNESCO’s program of listing and protection of ’intangible cultural heritage’. ’Intangible cultural heritage’ became recognized by UNESCO in 2003 as a seperate area of cultural heritage to be protected; which includes areas such as: traditional music, dance and oral traditions such as singing, story telling, folk customs. By autumn of 2008, UNESCO expects to have the first international, country by country, listing for this area of cultural heritage. Hungary’s first list was submitted to UNESCO in Paris in June 2006. By Mrs. Kovács Bíró Ágnes, Hungarian Ministry of Culture and Education.