Articles by Initial Letters
- Issue: 2023/1
- Starting page: 39
- Author: Kóka Rozália
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Kóka Rozália’s new column: Kiböjtölés – a folk custom involving several days or weeks of complete fasting and praying to rid oneself of some bad luck or bad feelings, or to wish approriate punishment on someone who has wronged you. In this account an old woman in the village of Felsőnána, Tolna County, Hungary talks about ’fasting out’ the daughter-in-law that beat her. According to the old woman if you do the fasting right, what you wish for, will happen. Between 1968 and 1970 Kóka Rózália collected 150 stories about this custom practiced amongst Székely people in Hungary’s Tolna, Baranya and Bács-Kiskun Counties.