Articles by Initial Letters
Határtalan férfiének
Ajánlás Gubinecz Ákos CD-jéhez
- Issue: 2022/1
- Starting page: 5
- Genre: CD-ajánló
- Author: Eredics Gábor , Gubinecz Ákos
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New recording – „Határtalán ferfiének” – the unbounded men’s voice. This recording highlights the Hungarian men’s singing voice and themes that men sang about in the past. There are traditional songs about herders, shepherds, soldiers, outlaws, ballads and historical songs from the southern and southeastern Hungarian language area and Transylvania – mostly from outside the borders of today’s Hungary. The recording features Gubinecz Ákos’ singing recorded with the Tokos, Juhász, Üsztürü, Csádé, Zeke and Tarsoly bands, the Muravidék Chorus and others. Announcement by Gubinecz Ákos and recommendation by Eredics Gábor.