44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
Starting page: 12
Interview with Balogh Melinda – Melinda won support from the Halmos Béla Program for development of a theatre production about the travels of Kőrösi Csoma Sándor (Transylvanian philologist and orientalist 1784–1842) who travelled from Transylvania to India searching for traces of the Hungarian people. Melinda is a folk singer whose solo record „Napkerék” (2019) presenting traditional songs and music of the Transylvanian Roma, has been very well received. She started out from Kecskemét, danced for 10 years with the Jászság Ensemble, and has sung with every local band along the way. She works with a group called BaHorKa incorporating folk song, tales and music into stage performances. Here she also talks about her creative process for developing the new theatre production. Interview by Dömötör Endre.