Articles by Initial Letters
„Táncra ítélem magamat”
Interjú Foltin Jolánnal
- Issue: 2019/1
- Starting page: 43
- Author: Grozdits Károly
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Interivew with Foltin Jolán – dancer, choreographer. After celebrating her 75th birthday in September 2018, Foltin Jolán muses on her life, dance and choreography. She discovered dance as a girl in the Bihari Ensemble and tells about beginning her studies at ELTE (university) in the Hungarian department then immediately realized that she was never going to be a Hungarian teacher – she wanted to work in dance. She went on to the professional Honvéd Ensemble, and began doing choreography in her 30s. Her folk dance theatre choreographies were part of the Honvéd’s main repertoire and has done choreography for children’s folk dance groups all over Hungary. By Grozdits Károly.