
English Table of Contents 2006/1  

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A traditional Moldavian Csángó wedding was held in Budapest. Two people from Hungarian villages in Moldavia were married in Budapest and a traditional reception was held at the recreational center at Almássy tér in the 7th district. The wedding party included friends and relatives from both Moldavia and Budapest – every living Moldavian music playing musician from both places played for the couple – the celebration, music and dancing lasted until the next morning. Best wishes to Szőcs Anna and Istók Ferenc! From Kóka Rozália

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New Publication: A moldvai csángó magyarok (The Hungarian Csángó-s of Moldavia) Pozsony Ferenc – Transylvanian enthnographer Pozsony, presents the origins, history, social structure, culture, identity, fate in the 20th Century, and efforts at protecting the rights of the Hungarian Csángó people that live in Moldavia. Includes photo material. In Hungarian. Gondolat Press – European Folklore Institute. Budapest 2005. ISBN 963 9610 003

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Upcoming concert: Bartók Béla: Blue Beard’s Castle, performed by Kovács István and Szántó Andrea with the Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra. Kiss Ferenc: The Doors of Love, performed by the Etnofon Musical Group with guest artists: Szvorák Katalin, Palya Bea, Szalóki Ági, Dresch Mihály, Balogh Kálmán, Ökrös Csaba, and more. The two works are about love. The Bartók opera emphasizes tragedy, while Kiss’ work is about love being the chance for survival. March 27, 2006 at the new Palace of the Arts in Budapest.

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New Publication: Sámánok Eurázsiában (Shamans in Eurasia) Hoppál Mihály’s second book on this subject. He has been travelling to Siberia and China since the 1970’s doing research on the shamans of various ethnic minority groups there. In this new publication he presents general characteristics along with details on the shamanism of certain areas supported with rich photo material. In Hungarian (shorter versions also available in Finnish and German). Akadémia Press. Budapest. 2005 ISBN 963 05 8295 3

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Old writings still interesting today – P. Vas János’ column. Beliefs surrounding, and magical strength of ‘the spoken word’: this is a piece about Hungarian incantations and curses. Examples from the Bible and from folklore are provided. One example of a curse: “May your wash water turn to blood and your towel catch fire”; or another well-known one: “May you be eaten up by gangrene”, usually translated as simply: “damn you!”. By Pócs Éva from "Kismagyar a néprajz a rádióban". Minerva. Budapest, 1978.

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New Publication: Népzene Bartók Műveiben (Folk music in Bartók’s works). Lampert Vera, Vikárius László – 2nd edition, revised and enlarged Helikon Press, Hungarian Heritage House, Hungarian Ethnographic Museum, Hungarian Institute of Musicology. Budapest. 2005. English translation also available. ISBN 963 7363 092

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New Recording: Szeredás Ensemble: Cuháré – Instrumental music from the Hungary’s Hajdúság region which is located in the northeastern plain. ’Cuháré’ is what they called dance events and balls in the region. The recording includes a booklet of information and tales in Hungarian and English. The recording was put together on the basis of scientific research and field work with informants in the region. CD produced by Szeredás Bt. Announcements by Rőmer Judit, Kálmán Péter and Darmos István

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New Recording: Szeredás Ensemble: Cuháré – Instrumental music from the Hungary’s Hajdúság region which is located in the northeastern plain. ’Cuháré’ is what they called dance events and balls in the region. The recording includes a booklet of information and tales in Hungarian and English. The recording was put together on the basis of scientific research and field work with informants in the region. CD produced by Szeredás Bt. Announcements by Rőmer Judit, Kálmán Péter and Darmos István

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Ifjú Szívek Hungarian Dance Ensemble celebrates the 50th anniversary since its formation with two gala performances in November 2005 of their new program of dances. This Hungarian dance ensemble, based in Pozsony (Bratislava, Slovakia) was semi professional until 2000 when they earned professional status. Their long standing existence is a true accomplishment given the obstacles posed over the years since Hungarians are considered a minority in Slovakia. Takács András congratulates the dancers, technicians, administrative staff, director Hégli Dusán and lead violin Koncz Gergely on the new program of traditional ’felvidéki’ material, that is; Hungarian, Slovak and Gypsy dances from Slovakia.

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Henics Tamás (originally from a region in southwestern Hungary called Őrség, now residing in Vienna) tells of a small village (280 residents) called Őrisziget, in the heart of Austria’s South Burgenland area. There are two churches in the village, one was built around 1100 and has preserved original peasant frescoes with pagan motifs. On January 26th, Őrisziget hosted a performance by the Kodoba band from Transylvania’s Mezőség region. The event was included in the Austrian–Hungarian Associations listing of Hungarian–Austrian events.

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Diószegi László’s thoughts n the differences between authentic and thematic folk dance choreographies: he says that the two kinds of choreographies need not be placed in seperate categories at festivals. „ ....the only measure of art is quality. Catharsis can be created through a high level performance of authentic folk dance and/or any kind of adaptation thereof.... ...I think that choreographic variety only enriches our movement; not weakening, but strengthening it."

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Food and tradition – continuing with the theme of folk grill, this time exploring variations of grilled ground meat popular in Hungary, Romania, the Balkans and Turkey as home garden grilled food, street or fast food. Many kinds of ground meat are used: lamb or mutton, pork, beef – often a mixture of meats mixed with spices and a bit of baking soda. They are served with mustard, ajvar or other sauces, mayonnaises. Known under many spellings and in various shapes as: kebab, kjufte, cevapcica, mics, pleskavica, döner kebab, etc. By Juhász Katalin.

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Reactions of three koboz (mandolin or lute type instrument in use in Moldavia) teachers: Fábri Géza, Bolya Mátyás, Róka Szabolcs, upon criticism of one of their students by Agócs Gergely – president of the jury at a festival of young folk music students from folk music schools.

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Reactions of three koboz (mandolin or lute type instrument in use in Moldavia) teachers: Fábri Géza, Bolya Mátyás, Róka Szabolcs, upon criticism of one of their students by Agócs Gergely – president of the jury at a festival of young folk music students from folk music schools.

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Reactions of three koboz (mandolin or lute type instrument in use in Moldavia) teachers: Fábri Géza, Bolya Mátyás, Róka Szabolcs, upon criticism of one of their students by Agócs Gergely – president of the jury at a festival of young folk music students from folk music schools.

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Brass Bands From the 1950’s through the1970’s, ethnographers made recordings resulting in more than 10,000. hours of material now in the archives at the Institute of Musicology, with more material in the Hungarian Museum of Ethnography. This tradition was at its peak at the turn of the 19th–20th Centuries. However, today for example, there is a band still actively playing for all types of celebrations in the village of Magyarszentmihály (Mihajlovo) in the Vajdaság (Voivodina) region of Northern Serbia. By Alföldy-Boruss Márk, Pálóczy Krisztina

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Shepherding in the village of Borzova. Shepherding was a profession handed down from father to son. The shepherds’ life all year ’round was dedicated exclusively to the care and grazing of the animals. They were also responsible for curing the sheep of any sicknesses. They lived in a special house on the edge of town. This is part one of Krivdova Éva’s write– up of her conversations with Mezei Lajos, Hungarian shepherd from Borzova in the Gömör region of Southern Slovakia, who learned his profession from his grandfather.

By Sue Foy