
English Table of Contents 1996/1  

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Kallós Zoltán, the respected and reknowned collector of folk song, music and dance in his native Transsylvania for more than fifty years, has received the esteemed Kossuth Award (Kossuth-díj); Hungary's highest honor for contribution in the arts.

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Our Traditions Novák Ferenc writes about tradition and the significance of history and an open mind. He says „If we are able get to know another culture, then we can see that they are just as rich of a blend (of influences) as we are.....what we see and what we experience is what has filtered in amongst the traditions of a culture through history... As the twentieth century draws to a close, it becomes more and more important (to realize) that each culture enriches all other cultures through its own intelligence and spirituality ... our traditions help us to survive."

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Tálalóba tálalható A report on a sale and exhibit of antique, pine, Hungarian peasant furniture which was held in the Budafok–Tétény Cultural Center. Interview with Knopp János partner of DistriBútor Kft., the furniture restorers whose work was exhibited.

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Asyrnetric Rhythms Sipos János writes about asymetric rhythms in music, giving specific examples from the Turkish folk music which he spent six years collecting.

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Interview with Szántó Ferenc, musician from Magyarbece. This 60 year-old, Hungarian man from Transylvania began playing flute when he was eight. His first fiddle came from a Gypsy man as payment for some work his father had done. Szántó Ferenc, fiddler, flute player, singer, dancer, was in Budapest in December when the Téka Ensemble issued a cassette of this extraordinary man's music. By K. Tóth László.

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From Dance to Dance Review of an exhibition which was on display from January 22 – March 31, 1996 in the Buda Castle Palace. This was an exhibition which documented the Hungarian ballroom dances from 1867 to 1940. In addition to reporting on the content of the exhibit, the author expresses dissatisfaction with choice of theme for the exhibit as sadly overlooking the richness of Hungarian traditional peasant dance and the importance of the unique dance and music movement which has sprung from it. By Kaposi Edit

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The Duda, part II. Karácsony István writes a description of what Hungarian bagpipe looks like, how it works, what it's made of, how to prepare the skin for one and how to put it together. He also talks about the duda and the devil; and why there is a mirror on most Hungarian bagpipes.

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Report on Balkan music and dance festival which was at Almássy Square in late November 1995.

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Information and historical background of the traditional crafts workshop in Magyarlukafa, a small village in Baranya County of southern Hungary. See Article in Hungarian for address and tel. no.

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Announcement for XII National Folkarts Exhibition to be held in Nov. 1996 at the Ethnographic Museum.

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Announcement for a new folk music series to be shown every fourth Sunday on Duna TV. The first program will be broadcast on Easter Sunday (April 7). The second program will be on Sunday, May 2.

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XV. National Dance House Festival and Market. April 7, 1996. Programs, organizing staff, producers, participants.

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The Dance Tradition of Vlach Gypsies in Nagyecsed, By Balázs Gusztáv, 1995. Announcing the publication of this 144 page volume, which is in both Hungarian and English. A significant ethnographic work on the Gypsies of a village in northeastern Hungary. Published by Magyar Néprajzi Társaság (The Hungarian Ethnographic Society), Budapest.

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Announcement for the Student's Arts Festival (dance, folk dance, crafts; performances and demonstrations) to be held on April 27–28, 1996 at theTabán in Budapest's I. district.

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The Téka Ensemble's 20 th Birthday Concert, April 28 th, 7:00 pm, at the Tabán, Budapest I. District.

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Music, dance and handicraft summer camps.

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Világfalu Festival June 20–23, 1996 at the Tabán in Budapest, a festival of folk dance and rnusic performances of other ethnic groups residing in Hungary, Hungarians living outside the borders of Hungary, with traditional and amateur groups from Hungary.

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Vasmalom Ensemble is 15 years old. A history of the ensemble, its various members, forms and work through the years.

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Watch out! Berán István writes about the Protecting the rights of the folk performer.

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A few thoughts on the inescapable, hard-to answer question; But why exactly balkan (music)? By Vitányi Iván Jr. (A Hungarian who plays balkan music).

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Folk Music of the Southern Plain Though there aren't any recordings in existence of such bands, historical information tells us that in the last century and even up the the 1940's; hurdy-gurdy, bagpipe, and clarinet played together at celebrations in the Dél-Alföld. Here Maczik Sándor, clarinetist from Szentes, and Bársony József, hurdy-gurdy player from Tiszaalpár, remember the bagpipe.

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1995 Recipient of the Király Zsiga Award: Borbély Jolán. A tribute to the life and work of this prolific, reknowned and respected ethnographer. By Dr. Bánszky Pál.

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Review of the book published in Bucharest (Kriterion) in 1994 by Balázs Lajos: Az én első tisztességes napom. Hailed as the richest and most extensive monograph of the village wedding, based on twelve years of fieldwork by the author, this book is about the courting and wedding traditions in Csikszentdomokos (a village in Hargitha County of eastern Transylvania, Romania.) By Kaposi Edit.

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Folk Dance Festival in Western Canada A personal account of the preparation of the choreography of a Kalotaszeg wedding which Lévai Péter and his wife Kiss Zsuzsanna did for 250 dancers, as the finale of the festival in early October, 1995 in Calgary, Canada.

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Folk Dance Festival in Western Canada A personal account of the preparation of the choreography of a Kalotaszeg wedding which Lévai Péter and his wife Kiss Zsuzsanna did for 250 dancers, as the finale of the festival in early October, 1995 in Calgary, Canada.

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Review of the new cassette by Bodza Klára and Tátika. By Fehér Anikó.

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Announcement of publication of a book by Balogh Sándor on Hungarian Moldva Csángó melodies. The book is published by the Folk Music School in Óbuda.

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Announcement of the possibility to pre-order a book by Csókos Varga Györgyi on use of the computer in teaching weaving

By Sue Foy