43rd National Táncház Festival & Fair • 5–7 April 2024
Starting page: 3
Pesovár Ernő 1926–2008 March 2. Dance historian, folk dance researcher, musicologist, retired director of folk dance research department of the Hungarian Institute of Musicology. An xtraordinary man whose work is well known throughout Europe and beyond. He was honored by any, many friends, colleagues, students at funeral services in Budapest on March 27th. A member of the group of world reknowned Hungarian dance researchers that brought dance archives into existence, formulated the basis for Hungarian dance research. He as a person and his work are deeply respected. His passing leaves a large hole in the profession and in many people’s hearts. Printed here are words of farewell from Mrs. Szurmai Sikló Mária (from the Ministry of Culture and Education), Felföldi László (Director of Dance Research Department of the Hungarian Institute of Musicology), Antal László (former student/dance educator – Szombathely College).